Recent change in functional status and / or medications affecting safe mobility / Dizziness / postural hypotension put the patient in Automatic High Risk Status.
Part 2– risk factor checklist:(Stapleton et al., 2009).
Checklist for risk factors includes Vision, Mobility, Transfers, Behaviors, Activities of Daily Living, Environment, Nutrition and Continence.
Circumstances of recent falls
Last and previous fall: Time ago of fall and circumstances (Trip, Slip, Lost balance, Collapse, Leg/s gave way or Dizziness).
Part 3– action plan:(Stapleton et al., 2009).
For Risk …show more content…
Mary Tinetti and has become a widely used clinical assessment tool for evaluating gait and balance abilities in older adults. This test is a very good indicator of fall risk. The two-part scale includes a total balance score of 16 and total gait score of 12, for a total possible score of 28. Scores of 25–28 indicate low fall risk, 19–24 medium fall risk, and as well as ability to maintain balance during a functional task. The test has been shown to be predictive of falls in older adults (Duncan et al., 1990).
vi. Single Leg Stance test:
Subject stands erect on firm surface with arms folded across chest and the head facing straight ahead; ideally shoe is off. Once standing in the start position, keeping eyes open, the subject is asked to raise one leg based on preference of subject and keep the leg raised as long as possible without touching the other leg, without uncrossing arms, or using any support for balance. Participants unable to perform the one-leg stand for at least 5 seconds are at increased risk for injurious fall (Bohannon, 2006).
vii. Tandem Stance and semi tandem