The encyclical is divided into four parts, two of which are especially important.
In part one of the encyclical the Church wishes to speak the truth about the family. It addresses the need to take up the question of marriage in the light of the Church’s teaching, especially as our contemporary culture poses so many difficult questions to the modern Christian questions that have not appeared before in history. Family and conjugal love in God’s revelation divulge the depths of what it means to be a man and woman, created in the image and likeness of God. The encyclical gives the true meaning of conjugal love between any man and woman. It opens up the married readers the deeper understanding of their covenant. Only through acceptance of the Gospel will man’s hope in the family be fulfilled. It also states the positive and negative aspect in the situation of the family in the world today. The encyclical want to recover an awareness of the primacy of moral values and the needs of wisdom of the era for the upcoming situation. the pope’s word want conversion of heart and mind due to injustice originating from sin. And by means of inculturation one will proceed towards the full restoration of covenant with the Wisdom of God, which is Christ Himself.
In part two, the encyclical inform the plan of God for Marriage and Family
Love is man’s fundamental vocation, the love between the man and woman reveals the “total gift of self,” the complete and embodied offering of one’s self to another that lies at the heart of our vocation as human beings.. The vocation to love in totality is realized in marriage or celibacy. Marriage follows from this plan of God