The family as an institution is universal. It is the most permanent and the most pervasive of all social institutions. Family is a small group consisting ordinary of father, mother, one or more children and some times near or distant relatives.
The word ‘Family’ has been taken over from Latin word ‘Famulus’ which means servants. Thus originally family consisted of a man and women with a child or children and servants.
The meaning of family can be explained better by the following definition’s. Merrill. “Family is the biological social unit composed of husband, wife and children”. M.F. nimkoff. Says that “family is a more or less durable association of husband and wife with or without child or of a man or women alone with children”. Ogburn. “Family is more or less durable association of husband and wife and children”. Clare. “Family is a system of relationship existing between parents and children”. TYPE OF FAMILY: TYPE OF FAMILY BY AUTHORITY: • Patriarchal Family. • Matriarchal Family. • Democratic Family. TYPE OF FAMILY BY STRUCTURE • Joint family system /Extended family • Nuclear family. TYPE OF FAMILY BY