The first hazard affecting adolescents because they are the first to adopt this social network. They are the most numerous and most active on this site. It is for this reason that they are the first victims. Adolescents may be victims of bullying, of insults, obscene photos ... The various facts due to the use of this site have multiplied. Worse, teens are sharing their privacy without realizing that their privacy is exposed publicly. Facebook allows you to share and exchange messages, photos and videos. However, some teens are using these communication tools to insult their contacts or send them pictures Obscene. More worries occurring at school interfere on Facebook , which is not done to smooth things . Exposure of conflicts and disputes on this Web site constitutes real overflows and can go up to bullying. Wardens are facing new forms of difficulties which will only increase .
Facebook creates identity theft. To to impersonate another person, you just need to create a profile on name of this person.
Facebook has positive and playful sides but this social network is unfortunately also risky because the danger remains pedophilia. The most vulnerable adolescents are easy target for pedophiles and sex offenders .
Social networks make addict Children spend more time than homework. The evening after school, doing homework while surfing on these social networks (Facebook, Twitter ..) . It is therefore impossible to completely enter thereon . A study revealing that 52% of 13 to 17 admit to connect while they do their homework. And 25 % do so at least 30 minutes every day.
A study showed