A genogram gives information about the internal structure of a family and of its wider context, much like a family tree. A genogram broadly follows the conventions of a genetic chart. Usually at least three generations of a family are recorded, each generation occupying a separate horizontal level on the chart A genogram is relevant to family assessment for many reasons as it allows for information to be summarised and viewed in a simple manner; it also provides a method for gaining insight into family development and functioning. The ability to view and analyse this information offers new insights to the family and can be a catalyst for change. The process of putting a genogram together with the family is a family assessment in itself if it’s done well. It is very important consider ways in which the child and family can be involved in the process. To maximise the value of the genogram as a vehicle to initiate conversation and establish rapport it is important to engage the family in the exercise (Glasper, 2010)
Genograms can also be a useful tool in refraining behaviour, relationships, and time connections within a family, and in normalizing the family 's perception of itself. When family members present at the physician 's office, they have usually adopted their own view of the problem and what needs to be changed. By using the genogram, the physician can organize questions around key family life experiences: birth, marriage, life transitions, illness, and death. Collecting information in this way can open a rigid family system and help the patient get in touch with paralysing emotional and blocked personal issues. (Watson, 2005).
Health and Social Issues
The Kaufman Family
Actual issues Potential Issues
Tina has no relationship/contact with her biological father or brother Lose sense of belonging
Tina’s mother has had a significant drinking problem for the last 5 years This can cause household and family breakdown
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