I. Introduction
II. Social-Conflict Theory
III. Family Structure and Statistics
IV. The effect on Children
V. Financial Effects
VI. Minorities
VII. Support and Love is the Key
VIII. Conclusion
How do family situations affect the outcome of children? Does a two parent family typically have children that are more likely to succeed than a one parent or step parent family? How big a role do finances put on that outcome? I'll put a different twist on it as well, by including information on people that are minorities and different ethnic groups. Through my research I have found a variety of answers and studies on this topic. The major theory I used for this paper is Social Conflict Theory. The first thing I am going to discuss is this theory, and then I am going to give statistics and data related to the questions above.
Social-Conflict Theory
There are three theoretical paradigms that sociologists have developed that try to explain the social influences that impact human conduct. They are Social Conflict Theory (SCT), Structural-Functional Theory, and Symbolic Interaction Theory. This paper is mainly concerned with Social Conflict Theory (SCT). Where Structural Functionalism describes a teleological utopia in steady state equilibrium, Conflict theory describes a social structure prone to constant erosion and change. SCT focuses on the conflict of interest that is inherent in all groups and between all members of groups. Conflict theories make many assumptions about the social world. Conflict theories paint a picture of the self-interested individual operating to maximize his own rewards in a highly competitive world. Karl Marx was one of the initial developers of this theory. In order to make sense of Marxian concepts, one must adopt a certain style of thinking. The statement that each person's relation to production in the economy decides his or her social class, and thus, his or her social privilege, is a case in point.