1. Psychologists and Families of the Severely Mentally Ill: The Role of Family Consultation
a. Kayla F. Bernheim
b. March 1989 American Psychologist Vol. 44 No. 3 561-564
No Abstract
• The presumptions of a consultative relationship are several: o First: the consultee is presumed to be competent, though lacking information in an area in which the consultant has specific expertise
The first goal of the consultant is to impart information designed to help the consultee evaluate the situation and decide among alternative choices of action o Second: the consultee retains the power of choice
The goals are set by the consultee (perhaps after discussing what possible goals might be), and the choice of methods is also made by him or her (again after mutual discussion of various options). o Third: the consultation is made at the request of the consultee, and for the sake of the consultee.
It is fair game for potential consultants to attempt to convince potential consultees that the service would be of use to them, but consultation generally cannot be mandated
Can only suggest, encourage, cajole, or convince—but not insist that family members participate in the treatment of the ill member o Fourth: a number of things can happen following the consultation
Can range from nothing happening, consultee choosing to join a different support group, or choose to follow consultation advice o Fifth: the role and obligations of the consultant are quite clear.
After providing adequate information to allow the consultee to specify goals and strategies, the consultant decides whether he or she has the expertise and interest to provide the service
• If so a contract is negotiated
• If not the consultant will often make a referral to a more appropriate expert or at least give some basic advice about how such an expert might be found o Sixth: the consultant evaluates the adequacy of his or