Wits and Smiths families are of Polish descent. Alina, her husband and kids moved to New York six years ago, exactly in March of 2002. All of their extended family lives in Poland in a small city of Zamosc. Both of Alina’s and Lucian’s parents are dead. In spite of the fact that they no longer live in their homeland, their extended family is a big part of Wit’s life. They keep contact with their siblings either through telephone or letters. Whenever there is any problem either with the health of any of the family member or with the kids, they always try to resolve it together as a family. No one is left alone with their troubles.
Reviewing the genogram, there can be noticed many pattern in Wits’ and Smiths’ families. One theme that repeats in both sides of the families is heart attack being a common cause of the death; Stanislawa and Czeslaw had died from it. Also, in the first two generations there is a pattern of cancer. Jozef and Adam died of lung cancer. Alina’s father had a colon cancer and she has a breast cancer. Another genetic component that affects only men in Lucian’s side is male pattern boldness. From the interview it came out that all of the Wits’ males developed hair loss in their twenties’ except of Poll. Wits are
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