Family Health Assessment Paper Benice C. Ejiogu Grand Canyon University: NRS-429V Octoberber 7th, 2012.
FAMILY HEALTH ASSESSMENT 2 Family Health Assessment The government, health organizations, and public health main focus currently, is on illness prevention, creating ways to help people promote health and wellness. Healthy People 2020 is working toward the goal of achieving healthy and long lives for each individual. In 1987, Marjorie Gordon proposed a functional health patterns as a guide establishing a comprehensive nursing data base (Kriegler & Harton, 1992). He developed eleven functional health patterns (Value/health perception, nutrition, pattern of elimination, activity/exercise, sleep/rest, cognitive, self –perception, roles relationships, sexuality and coping) that help nurses in the collection of detailed/adequate health data from individual and family. Based on the data collection in the above 11 functional health patterns, nurses can assess the health patterns, form nursing diagnoses, plan, and implement treatment for each individual as well as family. The physical, mental and social aspects of health are all incorporated in Gordon’s functional health patterns.
Essentially, data collection of all health functional patterns is needed to formulate nursing diagnoses. Here is the data collection of my family functional pattern
References: Edelman, C. L. (2010). Health promotion throughout the life span (7th ed.). St. Louis, Missouri: Mosby. Grouped According to Functional Health Patterns Kriegler, N. F., & Harton, M. K. (1992). Community health assessment: A patterns approach to data collection and diagnosis Koshar, J. N340 Woman’s Health & Illness in The Expanding Family & N345 Clinical Practicum [Fact sheet]. Retrieved October 07, 2012 from