Melody Moore
Grand Canyon University
Instructor: Renita Holmes
May 10th 2013
Family Health Assessment
A comprehensive family assessment provides a foundation to promote family health (Edelman&Mandle, 2011).Gordon’s functional health patterns is a method developed by Marjorie Gordon in 1987 in which she proposed functional health patterns as a guide to establishing a comprehensive data base.(Kriegler&Harton,1992).Gordon’s eleven functional health patterns are;1)Health perception/values, 2)Nutrition, 3)Sleep/rest, 4) Elimination, 5)Activity/exercise, 6) Cognitive, 7) Sensory perception, 8) Self perception, 9) Roles/relationships, 10) Sexuality, 11) Coping. By using these categories above it is possible to create a data collection which in turn enables the nurse to determine the aspects of health and human function (Kriegler&Harton, 1992). I chose to interview a ‘typical’ nuclear family, mom, dad and two children. The Smiths have been married for twenty years and have an eighteen year old son and sixteen year old daughter. I formatted open minded focused questions based on Gordon’s eleven functional health pattern assessments to interview the family. These questions are included with this paper for review. This paper will discuss each of these eleven functional health pattern assessments and how it relates to my chosen family. Health perception relates to what health means to this family. Are they having any health issues, how do they maintain their health and where do they receive most of their health education? This family has few active health problems at this time and none of the family members currently take any medications, except OTC meds for headaches etc. Mom is overweight and is aware of this and has an action plan. Dad is a heavy smoker, smoking two packs per day for the last forty years! He does not recognize this as a health problem and does not want to quit. Everyone is up to
References: Edelman, C.L., & Mandle, C.L.,(2010) health Promotion Throughout the Lifespan (7th ED.)St.Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier Kriegler, N. F., & Harton, M. K. (1992) Community Health Assessment: A Pattern approach to data collection &Diagnosis. Journal of Community health Nursing, 9,229-234 doi 5/16/13 Nettle, Pavelich,J., Jones, H., Beltz,C., Laboon, P., & Pifer, P.,(1993) family as client: Using Gordon’s Health Pattern Typology. Journal of Community Health Nursing 10(1), 53—61 doi 5/16/13 (2012) WellnessNursingDiagnosis/e how,com Retrieved on 5/3/13 from http//—nursing-diagnosis.html