Professional nurses pushing families to take control over their health has always been a challenging issue. Encouraging individuals, families and communities to collaborate with health providers and join a shared approach at tackling health promotion together can be rewarding for all parties. Nursing theorist and professor, Marjory Gordon developed a functional health pattern assessment to provide a comprehensive patient assessment for nurses. (Current Nursing, 2011). Gordon’s principle guide nurses to collect subjective and objective data during an assessment and categorize the information into eleven functional…
Being able to communicate with each other in this global diverse world, we all need to understand our preferred learning styles to contribute to our learning abilities and society. We all have unique learning styles established from childhood through adulthood. Our learning style is essential to performing better in the classrooms while enhancing our study habits. The preferred methods of our learning style allow us to gather, and use knowledge gained in a specific manner. Several methods are used in determining one’s learning style. “A learning style is descriptive process, or of preferences. Any inventory that encourages a learner to think about the way that he or she learns is a useful step towards understanding, and hence improves learning.” (Fleming,…
Moxie, 2007. Maureen Leahey & Lorraine Wright. Family Nursing Resources. Retrieved February 3, 2008 from, A & Potter, P. ( 2006) Canadian fundamentals of nursing. (J.Ross-Kerr & M. Wood, Eds.) (3rd ed.) Toronto, ON: Elsevier Mosby.…
Family health assessment in a vital tool that helps the family be aware of any problems concerning planning and maintaining good health. The nurse plays an important role in assessing the health of a family with the use of the 11 Gordon’s functional health patterns. The use of open ended questions enables the nurses to determine the present and past health state of a family. Functional health patterns provide a framework for the planning of care and health promotion (Flannigan & Jones, 2011). Using Gordon’s functional health patterns, this paper will analyze data drawn from the family health assessment. The family chosen have been married for 5 years, this is the second marriage for both members of this union.…
Nursing theorist Marjorie Gordon developed, in 1987, functional health patterns as a tool guide, used by nurses as a comprehensive data collection during patient assessments. Functional health pattern enables the nurses to identify and determine all aspects of health and human function (Kosher, 2013). The purpose of this assignment is to discuss how the interviewed family views their health overall, to improve their health promotion/patient education, and to identify the needs of the family using Gordon’s 11 functional health patterns.…
Heath promotion connotes the activity of empowering individuals to have influence over their well-being. As described in the journal Health promotion: Conceptual and ethical issues, the promotion entails enabling people to make decisions on their own in situations where their decisions could impact positively on their overall health. A similar description is used in the article, Improving Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in NP-Delivered Primary Care, however, the author places much emphasis on the need for consensus among professionals prior to entrusting individuals the right…
Conducting a family health assessment utilizing a functional health patterns assessment is the first step in the nursing process to create health care plans for the individual or family. A thorough assessment lays the groundwork to promote family health.(Mandle, 2010, p. 175)The purpose of this paper is to look at one families view of their health and develop two wellness nursing diagnoses. The author developed several questions relating to each of Gordon 's eleven functional health patterns to use in the family interview. The family chosen for this assignment is composed of a grandmother 55 years of age and her grandson age thirteen and granddaughter age fifteen. The family resides in a rural setting in Arizona. The grandmother has had guardianship of her grandchildren for twelve years.…
Mandle, E. (2010). Health Promotion. In Mosby, & Elsevier (Eds.), Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span (7th edition ed., pp. 16-18).…
In conclusion, the family health assessment using Gordon’s eleven functional health patterns permitted accumulation of information important to focus the family 's impression of their wellbeing, instructive needs and distinguishing proof of wellbeing issues and objectives. The family appears very educated on maintaining good health and preventing colds. They also have strong values and beliefs they follow in order to make their marriage work and keep their family together and stress…
Family health assessment is a great tool to utilize to develop health care plans for the…
Family health assessment is a process by which to examine and evaluate the level of health in a family. Traditionally, a nuclear family is a basic social group consisting of parents and their children. In today’s society, it is common place to encounter blended families as well. Blended families are established through the unification of two parents and their children from previous relationships. Regardless of whether a family group is nuclear or blended, the family unit has a belief system that is influential on all members. This belief system is comprised of a set of learned behaviors and values that in part influence choices that members in regards to health. Performing a family health assessment allows health professionals…
Kaakinen, J. R., Coehlo, D. P., Steele, R., Tabacco, A., & Hanson, S. M. (2015).Family health care nursing: Theory, practice, and research (5th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis Company.…
The objective of creating a health promotion pamphlet is impact to constructively the health activities of the public and individuals while cultivating health awareness, attitudes, competences, and behavior. Health promotion enhances the health status and quality of life of those in the community. Awareness empowers the public to augment management on the contributing factors that affect their health and in so doing build their health through conscious participation. By focusing on prevention, health promotion pamphlets assist in the reduction of health care costs to families, individuals, employers, employees, health insurance companies, health care facilities and decrease the financial gap created in government funded health care programs throughout the nation.…
Diversity among individuals, as well as cultures, provides a challenge for nurses when it comes to delivering meaningful health promotion and illness prevention-based education. How do teaching principles, varied learning styles (for both nurses and patients), and teaching methodologies impact the approach to education? How do health care providers overcome differing points of view regarding health promotion and disease prevention? Provide an exampleAccess to health care to obtain a complete physical examination before starting to exercise and the quality of the work or neighborhood environment available for exercise can contribute to success or failure of this objective. This objective is related to other objectives such as nutrition, obesity, and stroke prevention.…
Cornell, C., Littleton, M., Greene, P., Pulley, L., Brownstein, J., Sanderson, B., …Raczynski, J. (2009). A Community Health Advisor Program to reduce cardiovascular risk among rural African-American women. Health Education Research, 24(4), 622-633.…