For example, painting her heart on the ground bleeding to signify heartbreak in her self-portrait titled ‘Memory Or The Heart’ (1937). I think she created a lot of art work based on herself to make art work to not only explore and vent her emotions and what she was going through but to also document “I paint myself because I am so often alone and because I am the subject I know best.” (A. Kettenmann, 2000, pg. 27) She has also been photographed and painted herself in ‘drag’ with cropped hair, wearing her presumed ex-husband Diego Rivera’s clothes to express that she wanted nothing more to do with him, as he found her long hair feminine and the most attractive thing about her. She decided to show that she was independent as a man by cross dressing in her painting titled “Self-portrait with Cropped Hair” …show more content…
In his work he tries to create worlds for his alter-ego Claire and goes as far as to investigate other women’s past of growing up as a female. Perry goes as far to try and re-write ‘what could’ve been’ in his Essex House for his Mother; he created a fictional character called Julie May Cope which appears similar to his mother. He also uses a lot of his own memory with his family to create pottery and vases to show certain aspects of his life, one piece of pottery that reflects back on a conversation with his father regarding his cross-dressing and how his step-father didn’t accept it was re-created in his piece of work titled ‘Hot Afternoon in ’75, 1999’. His potteries are usually made to create stories of his own memory, his own family or