Types of Hindu marriages are described in Hindu mythology as eight types. Some of the marriages from among the eight types were practiced in ancient culture according to the sayings of Hinduism. Among the eight different types of marriages, all are not religiously sanctioned but it has been said that the people belonging to the ancient India were followers of these Hindu marriages. Marriage is commonly regarded as a process which helps to unite two individual souls and at the same time bring the two families close to each other. As per the Hindu philosophy, marriage is not just a process of coming together of the individuals but it is also a holy bond and a commitment which lasts a lifetime. Even the holy scriptures of the Vedas suggest that an individual should enter the phase of Grihasta after his or her student life. Thus, it can be said that marriage is almost a mandatory custom in the life of all the Hindus.
The Hindu religion is based on the eternal philosophy of the Vedas and this philosophy is well briefed in the six shastras and the Manu HYPERLINK "http://www.indianetzone.com/6/manu_smriti.htm"Smriti written by the rishis who were philosophers of the Vedas. They practiced Bahiranga Yoga, realised God and Veda mantras within their heart. Those ancient rishis were Atri, Manu, Kambadh, Patanjali, Vashishta, Matanga, Vyas Muni and divine beings like Lord Rama, Lord Krishna, Sita, Brahamcharini Gargi who was the guru of king HYPERLINK "http://www.indianetzone.com/13/janaka.htm"Janakaand various other rishis and maharishis of ancient times.
Among all the philosophies which are still followed in India mainly by the Hindus, the institution of marriage occupies a very vital position. However, as per the eternal philosophy of the Vedas, there is a restriction on child marriage. The age of marriage for a boy is 25 years or more and that of a girl is 18 years or more. In the middle and present period however the custom of child