English 100
Journal #1
My experience of family dinners started off great in my life but now has slowly started to vanish away. Every Sunday, my grandmother would have all of her children and grandchildren over for lunch after church. She would cook full on meals along with desserts, which were so yummy that no one ever wanted to miss grandmother’s Sunday lunches! My grandmother has now changed her Sunday lunches from every week to now just once a month, always the first Sunday of the month. My grandmother had good reasons to do this due to the fact that there is over forty family members that attended these lunches every Sunday, and the fact that after my grandfather passed away, she did not have as much help in the kitchen and around the house to prepare for lunches to be held every Sunday. My family, who consists of my mother, father, and little brother, unfornatley do not have family dinners together as often. We all have very busy and different schedules so the only time that my family ever sits around the dining room table for family dinners is when it is someone’s birthday, special occasion, or a holiday. I find this so sad and the fact that I am engaged to be married, I plan to make sure of that I hold true to having my future family, gather around the dining room table every night for dinner, whether it is a quick meal or a long meal, I hope that I can stick to and carry out successful family dinners. I personally feel that family dinners are so important to families because they allow you to have time to ask each other about their day and how their life is going and what new things are happening in their lives. My other grandmother also had family dinners but she was never as faithful at having them as my other grandmother was, her dinners only happened once a month, if that! My favorite recipes from family dinners, yes I said recipes, it would be way to hard for me to choose just one recipe, include shepard’s pie, cornflake