"Ry is simply a name that her mothers liked …" "Many same-sex couples who were married" These quotes show the familiar and wide common people characters of contemporary life. Life has changed. At least, it is not the same life like fifty or sixty years before. Many reasons and motives led to huge and unusual changes in the human life, especially the American family life. Mainly, these changes came as a result of the Vietnam War, the civil rights movement and the anti-gay legislation including legalities of marriage and adoption. Yet, regardless the causes, changes took place and one should be realistic and inspect the results, to keep the good and leave the bad. Stability, post World War II, helped much in the predictability of the social life and to draw future plans, especially during the 1950s period. Coontz in her essay What We Really Miss About The 1950s "The postwar economic boom gave them the chance"(36) She emphasized on the important role of two decisive elements, the peaceful environment and powerful economic. These two elements have a great impact and important role in the building of societies. It is one of the life 's basics, that whenever one talks about peaceful land and well resources, intellectually it is going to be associated with other shiny terms like, prosperity, infrastructure, employment, more money, investments, expansion and new societies. Consequently, many of traditional life styles or features will be changed. In most cases, it became just like Coontz mentioned, she said "The spread of suburbs and automobiles, combined with the destruction of older ethnic neighborhoods in many cities, led to the decline of the neighborhood social club."(37-38) In fact, the huge demographic changes were more than the nuclear or traditional family can bear. For some people that period of time was regarded as the golden days of family life, while for others was not. In Looking for Work by Soto
"Ry is simply a name that her mothers liked …" "Many same-sex couples who were married" These quotes show the familiar and wide common people characters of contemporary life. Life has changed. At least, it is not the same life like fifty or sixty years before. Many reasons and motives led to huge and unusual changes in the human life, especially the American family life. Mainly, these changes came as a result of the Vietnam War, the civil rights movement and the anti-gay legislation including legalities of marriage and adoption. Yet, regardless the causes, changes took place and one should be realistic and inspect the results, to keep the good and leave the bad. Stability, post World War II, helped much in the predictability of the social life and to draw future plans, especially during the 1950s period. Coontz in her essay What We Really Miss About The 1950s "The postwar economic boom gave them the chance"(36) She emphasized on the important role of two decisive elements, the peaceful environment and powerful economic. These two elements have a great impact and important role in the building of societies. It is one of the life 's basics, that whenever one talks about peaceful land and well resources, intellectually it is going to be associated with other shiny terms like, prosperity, infrastructure, employment, more money, investments, expansion and new societies. Consequently, many of traditional life styles or features will be changed. In most cases, it became just like Coontz mentioned, she said "The spread of suburbs and automobiles, combined with the destruction of older ethnic neighborhoods in many cities, led to the decline of the neighborhood social club."(37-38) In fact, the huge demographic changes were more than the nuclear or traditional family can bear. For some people that period of time was regarded as the golden days of family life, while for others was not. In Looking for Work by Soto