All individuals are affected by their family (Kaakinen, Coehlo, Steele, Tabacco, & Hanson, 2015). Today nurses realize the importance of the family unit on the overall wellbeing of the individual and by including the family into the patients care, it increases the positive outcomes for both (Svavarsdottir et al., 2015). We will review a patient I had many years ago and discuss the child and his health needs in regards to how it affects him, his family, the family functioning and the family interactions with community resources.
Family as Context
The patient we will be discussing is a six year old male boy was being treated for type four attention deficit disorder, sensory dysfunction, milk protein allergies, and also had a learning disability. He appeared world weary, withdrawn, nocturnal enuresia, poor grades, poor social skills, impulsive, and easily agitated. Health care needs comprised of medication management, sensory diet, school assistance, diet control, and counselor. He was the youngest for two children. His mother …show more content…
The mother felt resistance in the school and the Board of Disabilities stepped in and the child was placed with an IEP. The child had excelled and was doing very well at school, noted him laughing and light hearted. The sister and mother report no personal health problems and state things are going well.
Although the original treatment started with the child it was brought to light that other factors accelerated the problem. It is imperative that the nurse not only looks at the individual, but the family unit as a whole in order to have the best positive outcomes available. By address the health issues of the individual many times we are assisting in improving the health of others in the