Family Planning - An Essential for India
A swiftly growing population does not always seem like a nuisance. An increase in the number of citizens in a country, may for example, signify the improvement in health care, sanitation and a drop in death rates. Developments such as these, naturally lead to an expansion in population. Many areas may easily handle this increase in some areas, but what happens when the population continues to grow at an accelerated pace? The outlook is bleak. Uncontrolled population growth will lead to difficulties regarding food, environmental stress, health and housing.
Food shortages are commonly a symptom of high population growth rates, and as such, India is steadily losing the capacity to feed itself. Despite improvements in agricultural productivity, India 's population continues to grow at a faster rate than the
Cited: Brown, Lester R. In the Human Interest: A Strategy to Stabilize World Populaiton. NewYork: Norton & Co., 1974. Mathur, Hari M., ed. The Family Welfare Programme in India. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House, 1995.