In Danny’s case, his social bond, mainly his attachment with his family and friends were weak and which allowed him to become friends with the wrong person, which lead him to commit crime. Age-graded theory, being an extension of the social control theory, denies that people are necessarily locked into developmentally distinct pathways, such as pro- or antisocial because it emphasizes environmental circumstances as well as a human agency instead of individual traits (Walsh, 2015, p. 223). In Danny’s case, he was influenced by his friend Randy and it had cost him a lot of time in prison. But at the end with enough social capital and his wiliness to change, he chose to change and lead a good life and leave behind all illegal acts. And now had become a better and good
In Danny’s case, his social bond, mainly his attachment with his family and friends were weak and which allowed him to become friends with the wrong person, which lead him to commit crime. Age-graded theory, being an extension of the social control theory, denies that people are necessarily locked into developmentally distinct pathways, such as pro- or antisocial because it emphasizes environmental circumstances as well as a human agency instead of individual traits (Walsh, 2015, p. 223). In Danny’s case, he was influenced by his friend Randy and it had cost him a lot of time in prison. But at the end with enough social capital and his wiliness to change, he chose to change and lead a good life and leave behind all illegal acts. And now had become a better and good