By:Nakeisa Brown, Rosalyn Varkey, and Mary Ellen
March 23, 2015
Professor Dominic Koh
Family Stress Theory Stress has been incorporated into our lifestyle. The founder of the word “stress”, Hans Seyle, coined the word 50 years ago (Rosch,). While he was in medical school he observed that patients that had different types of diseases often showed the same symptoms, he stated “they just looked sick”(Rosch). While he observed these patients, it was the start of “stress” (Rosch). In later years he discovered what is called the Adaption System, which is the way the body responds the toe demand that it is given (Rosch). It is a syndrome caused by the autonomic responses that eventually leads to high blood pressure, ulcers, kidney disorders and other illnesses (Rosch). It was difficult to find a word for stress was a problem that haunted Selye his entire life (Rosch). The Greeks was one nationality twenty four centuries previously stated that “disease was not only pathos (Suffering) but also ponos (toil), as the body tried to become normal again”. …show more content…
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McCurdy, K., Gorman, K.S., & Metallinos-Katsaras, E. (2010). From poverty to food insecurity and childhood overweight: A stress theory approach. Child Development Perspectives, 4(2), 144-151 Retrieved from .phoenix .edu/eh ost/ pdfview er/ pdfviewer?sid=d0effb4a6 4de-4314-8478-3c3c10552a26% 40se ssionm gr4001&vid=4&hid=4206
Rosch, P. J. Hans Selye: Birth of Stress. The American Institute of Stress. Retrieved from: