“At the core of American identities and American dreams lies the family. Wheather a colonial-era farm household, and immigrant extended family , a native clan or tribe, an domestic partnership, or a suburban nuclear family, families serve as a connection between the individual and the outside world. The idndividial identity, his or her dreams, in large part depends on the family’s of orgin or family of choice.” –Images of Gender and Family (239). We are all shaped through our family’s values, beliefs, and assumptions making us bonded as one. Since each family is molded it gives each individual in it a certain roll as well as expectztions to play out from. In every family there are different roles for every member. As said in this quote in Images of Gender and Family: “…but as soon as the men returned from war, society’s need to employ these men and to increase social stability issued a new message to women; go home, stay home, and raise children” (pg. 240). This supports the husband’s role to go to war to support his country and his family. When the father goes to war, the wife’s role comes into play and she stays home to support the family and take care of the kids. This has been the social role in society for hundreds or years, where the Husband works
“At the core of American identities and American dreams lies the family. Wheather a colonial-era farm household, and immigrant extended family , a native clan or tribe, an domestic partnership, or a suburban nuclear family, families serve as a connection between the individual and the outside world. The idndividial identity, his or her dreams, in large part depends on the family’s of orgin or family of choice.” –Images of Gender and Family (239). We are all shaped through our family’s values, beliefs, and assumptions making us bonded as one. Since each family is molded it gives each individual in it a certain roll as well as expectztions to play out from. In every family there are different roles for every member. As said in this quote in Images of Gender and Family: “…but as soon as the men returned from war, society’s need to employ these men and to increase social stability issued a new message to women; go home, stay home, and raise children” (pg. 240). This supports the husband’s role to go to war to support his country and his family. When the father goes to war, the wife’s role comes into play and she stays home to support the family and take care of the kids. This has been the social role in society for hundreds or years, where the Husband works