Kaplan University
The body is a very complex mechanism. There are many different veins and arteries that flow throughout the body. With there being many different veins and arteries throughout the body there are multiple paths to get to the lower lobe of the lung. In this paper we will discuss how to get from the femoral vein to the lower lobe of the lung. The path that I have chosen to discuss to get to the lower lobe of the lung from the femoral vein involves the inferior vena cava, AV valve, right ventricle, pulmonary Sl valve, the right atrium of the heart, and the pulmonary artery. These are the steps that it takes to get up to the lung, once at the lung you will need to ensure that you are entering the correct lobe of the lung. The direct path that I am going to take from the femoral vein to the right lower lobe of the lung is as follows. We will begin at the femoral vein located in the thigh. As we travel upv we will pass the deep femoral vein, the abdominal aorta, and the hepatic portal. We then enter the inferior vena cava, on our way to the to the right atrium we will pass the small cardiac, and the right pulmonary. We will then make our way to the right atrium of the heart. From the right atrium of the heart we will then enter the right AV valve, on our way to the AV valve we will pass the right ventricle, and the pulmonary arteries. from the right AV valve we will then enter the right ventricle, to get to the right ventricle we will pass the pulmonary SL valve. from the right ventricle we will go to the pulmonary SL valve, to get to the pulmonary SL valve we will go through the pulmonary artery. from the pulmonary SL valve we will enter the pulmonary artery, finally we will enter the lungs. Once in the right you need to ensure that you are in the right lobe of the lung. Unlike the left lung the right lung has three lobes. The superior lobe at the top, the middle lobe in the middle, and