-type of cost-reimbursement contract
-government pays a pre-negotiated percentage (60/40, 50/50) of the allowable costs to the contractor
-commercial items not allowable
-no fee
16.303 Cost-Sharing Contracts
(a) Description. A cost-sharing contract is a cost-reimbursement contract in which the contractor receives no fee and is reimbursed only for an agreed-upon portion of its allowable costs.
(b) Application. A cost-sharing contract may be used when the contractor agrees to absorb a portion of the costs, in the expectation of substantial compensating benefits.
(c) Limitations. See 16.301-3.
(a) A cost-reimbursement contract may be used only when --
(1) The factors in 16.104 have been considered;
(2) A written acquisition plan has been approved and signed at least one level above the contracting officer;
(3) The contractor’s accounting system is adequate for determining costs applicable to the contract; and
(4) Adequate Government resources are available to award and manage a contract other than firm-fixed-priced (see 7.104(e)) including—
(i) Designation of at least one contracting officer’s representative (COR) qualified in accordance with 1.602-2 has been made prior to award of the contract or order; and
(ii) Appropriate Government surveillance during performance to provide reasonable assurance that efficient methods and effective cost controls are used;
(b) The use of cost-reimbursement contracts is prohibited for the acquisition of commercial items (see Parts 2 and 12).
16.307 Contract Clauses
As prescribed in 16.307(f), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts when a cost-sharing contract is contemplated. This clause may be modified by substituting “$10,000” in lieu of “$100,000” as the maximum reserve in paragraph (b) if the contract is with a nonprofit organization.
52.216-12, Cost Sharing Contract – No Fee (Apr 1984)
(a) The Government