Far from Heaven is a film about a 1950s period. It deals with some issues such as race, sexuality and class. There is Cathy, the perfect mother and wife married to Frank, the successful and charming man, who works as seals manager in a big company, having the perfect life. Until Cathy, finds that her husband; Frank is a homosexual. She cannot divorce from her husband because she does not want to destruct her marriage. At the same time, she meets with Raymond, and she goes to him for comfort. They spend good time together, but their relationship causes some bad consequences for him and his daughter. On the other side, Frank cannot suppress his desires of homosexuality. When he and his wife went to a holiday, he falls in love with another man. Their life becomes depressing, and at the end, they divorce and the film ends with sadness. Far From Heaven shows that racism and homosexuality were serious problems the society faced back in the 1950s; however, nowadays the problem is not as serious and intense but it is still prevalent in some societies.
First, According to Britannica online, racism “is the belief in the inherent superiority of one race over others”. Many people believe that it depends on if a person was brought into the world as a racist or not, but that is not the case at all. In fact, an individual cannot be born a racist but only learn to become one as they grow from child to adulthood. For instance, in the movie, the two boys Chased Raymond’s daughter and hit her with a rock in her head because of her color and the boys were affected by their parents thoughts. Also, in the 1950s, people used to treat the African American without respect; like when Raymond grabbed Cathy’s hand, a man yelled at him saying “hey boy” and this is disrespecting way to call a person with. Likewise, racism leads to many side effects, like intricacy in finding jobs for the colored people. For example, in the film, all the American Africans used