Agriculture sector has a pivotal role in
Indian economy. The share of agriculture sector in G.D.P. of India was 44.0% during
1973-74 .Agriculture provides the principal means of livelihood for over 60 percent of
India's population. There a significant increase in production between 1951-52 to 1959-1960 was due to favorable monsoons and expansion of acreage not yield. In Indian planning agriculture sector ignored except few five years plan. Indian planning has not be given appropriate priority to agriculture.
There are lot of limitations for protection to agriculture in new economics policy
. In the processes of industrialization there are drastic changes in climate , due to this agriculture productivity suffered . Banking sector is not ready to provide credit /loan to Agriculture for avoiding risk .Farmers were trapped by private debt .
According to some economist and socialist Agriculture sector is a bone of Indian Economy therefore farmer's must have some protection but lack of protection and favorable policies to agriculture , lead to suicides of farmers at large
On this background, in the present paper I have focused on the causes of farmer's suicide , nature of problem, consequences ,and remedies. Causes :
There are various economic ,social , political , individual and environmental causes of farmer's suicide in India. The causes of this crisis are complex and manifold, they are dominantly related to public policy and economic strategy.
•Absence of adequate social support infrastructure at the level of village.( yarum farmersah support pandrathilla)
•Uncertainty of agricultural enterprise in
•Indebtedness of farmers. Rising cost of cultivation.(uram mathiri cultivation cost athigam.)
•Lack of credit availability for small farmers. There has been minimal financial support from the government for small farmers.(gvmt loan koduka thayanginanga)
•Lack of irrigation facilities.