Involvement classification of the fascial …show more content…
› The secondary spaces: Masseteric, Pterygomandibular, superficial and deep temporal, Lateral pharyngeal, Retropharyngeal, Parotid and Prevertebral.
Clinical significance of the fascial spaces categorization is as follow:
› Face: Buccal, Canine, Parotid and Masticatory.
› Suprahyoid: Submental, Sublingual, Submandibular, Lateral Pharyngeal, Peritonsillar.
Θ The canine space: is the space between maxilla’s anterior surface and the topping levator muscle of the superior lip. It contains the infraorbital nerve along with the angular vein and artery. Where infections of maxillary canine and first premolar (and may include the mesibuccal root of the maxillary 1st molar) take place.
Bounded by:
- Levator superioris alaque nasi and levator labii superioris superiorly.
-Caninus muscle inferiorly.
-Anterolateral surface of maxilla medially.
-Buccinator muscle posteriorly.
-Orbicularis oris anteriorly.
Clinical features resulting:
1. Swelling of lower eyelid (and odema of the lower eyelid), upper lip and cheek.
2. Angle of mouth dropping.
3. Nassolabial fold