As fashion film is a new addition to the fashion instalment, there aren’t any specific rules and regulations that the filmmakers have to follow because fashion is all about expressing opinions, feelings etc. However there are a few ethics that they should be aware of, with any film such as violence, drug abuse, discrimination etc. The filmmakers need to be aware of these ethics because the last thing you want the film to do is offend anyone because then the company, or in this case designer, could get a bad reputation and not become successful.
Other things that should be considered when putting together a fashion show is the location because you want the show to be memorable to the audience and a unique location will help make it more memorable. The set is another important thing to think about because if there is a theme such as ‘nature’ being carried out though the fashion then you’ll want to back that up with a nature themed set; this will also make it more memorable to the audience. Seating should be considered because you want the audience to have a perfect view of the fashion and the film that they will be seeing though out the show so that they can fully take in what they will be seeing. Lights are an important part of a fashion show because you want the catwalk to be lit up perfectly so the audience can see the clothes perfectly especially if there is any fine detail in the clothes. Music is something to consider because this can really add on to the theme of the show and create the sense of escapism that some audiences crave for; for example if there is a nature theme in your show then it could be a good idea to add some slow classic music with some wildlife sounds. The hair and make up of the models is key to a fashion show because this can complete the look of the whole fashion show and really enhance the theme of the fashion show.
One fashion show that really has been thought out to every detail