Reading Report / 2012 Winter/ Fashion Theory/ Prof. Spinelli / Elise Wang
Thortein Veblen
Dress as an expression of the pecuniary culture
Karl Marx
The fetishism of the commodity and its secret
Peter Braham
Fashion: Unpacking a culture production
Tim Dant
Consuming or living with things?/ Wear it out
Reading Report / 2012 Winter/ Fashion Theory/ Prof. Spinelli / Elise Wang/
Arguing against all Forms of Reductionism in accounts of fashion, Elizabeth Wilson says that:
Because the origins and rise of fashion were so closely linked with the development of mercantile capitalism, economic explanations of the fashion phenomenon have always been popular. It was easy to believe that the function of fashion stemmed from capitalism's need for perpetual expansion, which encouraged consumption.
Reading Report / 2012 Winter/ Fashion Theory/ Prof. Spinelli / Elise Wang/
• • • • Fashion in the market Production, Consumption & FASH Design Who make purchasing decisions? Intention of Consumption
Reading Report / 2012 Winter/ Fashion Theory/ Prof. Spinelli / Elise Wang/
Fashion in the market creation Production
New Perspective of Fashion
Distribution conception
• • • •
From fashion clothes to Fashion Commodities Value for exchange Produced for consumed Price Point – Materials, Labor, Additional Value
Reading Report / 2012 Winter/ Fashion Theory/ Prof. Spinelli / Elise Wang/
Fabric Silhouette Color Trend Style Statement Branding
FASH Design
Production, Consumption & FASH Design
Where How Who How Many
• Production mediates consumption Production creates the objects that people consume • Consumption also mediates production Consumption creates the people who consume commodities
Where to buy What to buy How many to buy
• Design Process makes fashion industry unique Creation, Beauty on the body,