OCT, 5 , 2013
We have a major serious health problem. It's called obesity. We need more fruits and vegetables. We need more proteins and vitamins, like vitamin D and C. There are evidence that say that fast food could be bad for our health. Everyone should think twice before deciding to eat fast food . when it comes to eating food that’s made within a matter of seconds. The food is not properly taken care of, which leads all the way back to where the food is originally produced. Even if it is easy to buy and cheap, the health risks outweigh the five minutes of satisfaction that fast food brings. One should carefully think before they eat fast food. However t-his essay will outline the harm of fast food.
The health risks that come from eating so much fast food are life threatening. Obesity comes from eating fast food. Fast Foods have saturated fats that can grow to become obese. Therefore, Even a small quantity of fast food contains high calories. they say that the fast food is good to eat and it is healthy . But they are not thinking what are the side effects of the fast food. People are fooled by the quantity they eat and they tend to eat more. Without knowing that they are consuming a lot of calories. Although, Fast food have many side effects, like gaining weight, diabetes . People blame the fast food restaurants like McDonalds for the obesity that they cause by their decisions, what about a simple solution for this problem. you have to think carefully before you eat fast food; What are the side affect ? how will it affect our life; Make it better or worse, and the important thing is to exercise daily. This way has no side effects. This method depends on our thinking and responsibility . One of every five children in America is obese. Only one percent of obese individuals are obese due to glandular, genetic problems (Obesity in America). Unbalanced and unhealthy diet is the major cause of obesity, not fast food itself. The increase of weight