38% of adult Americans and 17% teenagers are obese. This is a new record high and I have the perfect solution. An obese male had the average of 26% body fat while the female has 32% which …show more content…
means roughly 68-74% is meat that can be consumed. The way I plan on obtaining this meat is by tranquilizing the obese people and chopping their heads off. The meat can be used consumed by the starving in our country and sold at markets. The remaining meat can be given to starving countries such as Haiti and Ethiopia to form alliances and bring nations together. The fat that is left over from the people can be used as fuel and oil which we can also give or sell to other countries. After the carcasses have been stripped of meat and fat all that will remain is blood and organs which will furthermore benefit our nation.
With the remaining organs, we can use them to save lives in our country and in others. This will make the alliance between countries even stronger because we can save their peoples lives and trade these organs for other valuables that our nation needs. On average 22 people die a day on a transplant waiting list. If we can use the organs and blood of the obese the number of people dying a day will drop to about 14 people a day. This will also extend the life expectancy and improve the lives of Americans. The accessibility to these organs allows for the opportunity to practice and research more about them. We could discover why certain cancers are caused and the best way to treat them. Organs research is a large step into the medical future. With all the obese people being used for a better cause there will be a large drop in obese people.
With the declining numbers of obese people in America, the stores and businesses that supplied them with these junk foods will go out of business.
50% of the consumers and employees for these businesses are obese and with the obese people gone the business will fail and no longer exist. This will terminate the likelihood of a nonobese person from becoming obese and will ultimately erase all unhealthy foods. The selling of meat will bring extra money in which will allow for money to be spent towards the promotion of staying in shape and healthy. If the mass of Americans join gyms and stay healthy this will lead to a healthier nation for generations to come. Families will promote being healthy in the fear of becoming obese and risking their children's …show more content…
My proposal of using the obese for fuel, food, and medical research is the ultimate plan to have a healthier and improved future.
The usage of meat to feed the starving will bring in foreign alliances and end most of the hunger. The removal of obese will put the junk food sellers out of business and completely erase all junk food from the nation. It will also benefit the future to by providing healthier genes and the promotion of exercise. Lastly, the organs from the obese will be used for medical research which will help in discovering more about diseases and cancers in these vital organs. The obese will serve for a better cause and make America a superior nation for years to