There is a growing epidemic in the United States called obesity which is fueled by fast food chains worldwide. Fast food is becoming apart of so many young teens in america that it is crippling the nation's new generation in the long term effects. The fast food in this country controls the nation’s nutrition, therefore we should encourage these chains to put healthy options on their menus. This will drop obesity rates dramatically.
The problem with fast food is that it leads to obesity and obesity can have bad long term health effects such as Diabetes, heart failure, and lung issues. When fast food chains grow the obesity rates in the area tend to go up, when that happens the Diabetes percentage goes up as well. In this study based on two areas it shows that in the Upper East Side, where the median income is 75,000 with a poverty rate of 6.2 percent, only 1 percent have Diabetes. Whereas in Spanish Harlem where income average is 20,000 with a poverty rate of 38.2 percent, 16 percent have Diabetes. This shows how the lower the income people make the more cheap unhealthier choices they are going to make such as fast food. Also when this occurs you are at an increased risk of Diabetes. Fast food chains are now advertising their burgers and fries to younger children and getting them hooked on their food for life. “Children 3-11 years of age, researchers concluded that obesity levels would drop by 18%, while in children 12-18 years of age obesity levels would drop by 14% if they were not shown the advertising by these fast food chains. Obesity in children is a big problem because studies are showing that one in three children will become Diabetic at one point in their life, mostly from the growing fast food chains in their areas. With fast food on the rise and obesity levels rising all of the people with illnesses from fast food will take a toll on the