Mrs. Granham
20 June, 2013
Final essay Riche1
Fatalities amongst teenage drivers rose over nine-teen percent in the United States in just six months. The primary reason for all the accidents is distractions, awareness, and ignorance. Banning texting, while driving in all countries is an enthusiastic idea. Distractions are all around us, such as; I pods, radios, T.V and phones. For some dreadful reason, America’s youth and elderly don’t seem to comprehend that multitasking while driving is hazardous. Studies show that students who take test and text are shown to lose at least thirty- percent on their test (Escbo). This proves that America is blind to examine that we are not great at doing two things at once. There is no contrast when driving …show more content…
This article is indeed true because when people are drunk or texting, their senses are impaired while driving. It’s vital that young adults and adults themselves pay more attention to the more important things such as your life. There is one characteristic that America will never cease to exist, that is ignorance. President Barack Obama signed an executive form stating that all federal employees are banned from texting on the job and driving (Escbo). This law is being forced upon the people today. Sadly even though this rule is enforced, and also publicly shown on television, those perverse individuals decide that they’re too good for the law and then BAMMM!!!!! Next thing they know there in the hospital for being a reckless driver. Everyone is guilty for breaking the law once, which goes to show just because a Bad habit is enforced by the government doesn’t stop those who have the courage to break them. People’s lives are at stake the annual death rate for car accidents occurring is 1.6 Million lives that are lost (Ebcso). We need to create a system to which turns of your texting ability when people start their