In the story, Romeo and Juliet, the final tragic outcome, namely the deaths of the two young lovers, was a result of human choices, rather than one of fate. Although fate played some role in Romeo and Juliet's deaths, the various characters' decisions and actions throughout the story eventually led to the tragedy. There were four main stepping stones, all resulting from man's decision, which finally ended with Romeo and Juliet taking their own lives.…
"Wisely and slowly; they stumble that run fast." The Friar demonstrates that if you rush into things, your fate is chosen. In Romeo and Juliet this exemplifies how fate was going to challenge them when they met. It was foreshadowed to come in later acts. Fate is something that no one can really understand or predict. In Romeo and Juliet fate takes a huge role on their relationship. They are mortal enemies, yet fate says that have to love each other. Fate brings them together and leads them down a trail to death.…
Additionally, Fate is another hurdle Romeo and Juliet have to jump over,except this one appears in several scenes as the source of blame for death of the two. In the play’s Prologue the line, ”A pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life”, appears. This line suggests Romeo and Juliet were bound to fall in love with each from their first breath because it is stating their love was written in the stars and the families they were born to wasn’t a coincidence but a destined event. As the Prologue continues it announces how the star-cross’d lovers have a death-mark’d love. Their love being described as death-mark’d is a bad omen because it is foretelling how Romeo and Juliet’s destinies are entwined,which will bring their deaths. Fate has already decided these…
The famous author Lemony Snicket once said, “Fate is like a strange, unpopular restaurant filled with odd little waiters who bring you things you never asked for and don't always like.” I blame fate for Romeo and Juliet’s death because I believe fate is the thing that controls everything and cannot be changed or altered, it is what it is. Everyone has an end at some point and Romeo and Juliet’s had to be at young age. I also blame fate for a different reason, it isn’t just the end for everyone, but it also gives you the lead up to your end. It was Romeo’s fate to be banished and kill Tybalt, it was his Fate to not get the letter and find Juliet ‘dead’ and it was Juliet’s fate to wake up from her sleep and find him…
Modern day society promotes individualism and self-responsibility. Yet somehow, fate exists as an intrinsic part of many people’s lives. This paradox in mindset shows how logical reasoning, common sense, and science bow down for the supernatural force that guides one through life, fate, for better or worse. Such is seen clearly in the dialogue and actions of the characters in Romeo and Juliet, a play written by William Shakespeare. Taking place in 14th century Verona, Romeo and Juliet describes the tragedy that ensues when two feuding families’ children fall in love, but fate ensures both of their suicides. The villainous acts of fate prove that fate makes one helpless against decisions in life, belief in fate becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, and…
In the beginning of the novel fate has been a big part of this play even this quote will explain why; “A pair of star crossed lovers,” (line 6). Since the start of the play called Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet were destined to die. Throughout each act and scene, from constant foreshadowing, even Romeo and Juliet probably even knew their tragic fate. As much as Romeo and Juliet wanted to be together, all their efforts and the efforts of others were purely senseless or as you can say futile, and as much as everyone urged to blame others, only fate is to blame.…
When being interviewed Brazilian, novelist and lyricist, Paulo Coelho claimed, “I can control my destiny, but not my fate. Destiny means there are opportunities to turn right or left, but fate is a one-way street. I believe we all have the choice as to whether we fulfil our destiny, but our fate is sealed”. In today's society, many people are conflicted on whether events in one’s lives are driven by one's choices or are simply meant to be. Coelho believes that both free will and fate play a role in one’s life, he says that one has the power to make certain choices, but in the end it all comes down to fate. The concept of fate versus free will can be seen in the fictional pieces, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, “Pyramus…
Thinking before you act is how to become successful. Always on the move, saying what's on mind is not how to roll. In Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet teach the readers three important lessons, to communicate effectively, think before you act, and know that all actions have consequences.…
Romeo and Juliet are doomed by fate from birth since they belonged to opposite households, but due to their rash decisions which aroused from uncontrolled emotions, and the influence of irrational guardians, their tragic endings were unavoidable. It’s Romeo and Juliet’s fate to die which is necessary to end their family feud. Many actions and dialogues in the play foreshadow their incoming deaths.…
Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare in 1595. It is widely known to be a tragedy but what caused this atrocity to be so renown? It may be universally known that fate played the principal role throughout the play but by examining the specific circumstances and causes of these situations, it is evident that all the events leading to the tragedy are the result of choice rather than fate. Many believe predetermined destiny was key to the deaths of the “star-crossed lovers” but the characters were never left without options and each had a choice to make at every turn of the play. It was unarguably the decisions made by the characters, not those made by fate, that were responsible for the tragedy in Romeo and Juliet.…
When it comes to fate, there are two types of people. Those who believe it and those who don’t. The definition of fate, is the development of events beyond a person’s control; be destined to happen, to turn out, or act in a particular way. We see this definition put to use in both, “Oedipus the King”, and “Romeo and Juliet”. Is fate a real thing though? Or is it something we just see in books. Do we have control over everything that happens to us? Or is our life in the hands of “fate”. Everyone has their own opinion of whether fate is real or not.…
The idea of fate starts off in Act 3, Scene 1. In this scene, the deaths of Mercutio and Tybalt occur. Tybalt first kills Mercutio and Romeo then retaliates by killing Tybalt. In the text it states, “A plague o’ both houses!”…
Throughout all of human history many people have felt helpless or at the mercy of higher forces. In ancient greek mythology, three goddesses known as the Moirai spun the thread of life and assigned every individual their fate that no man or god could interfere with. In ancient Egypt people believed the god Shai determined the length of each individual's life who could protect or condemn a person in the afterlife. Most people in Shakespeare’s time also believed in a predetermined fate, and he explores the idea of a fixed destiny in many of his works. In the plays Julius Caesar and Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare the characters are paralyzed by their destinies and are incapable to prevent them.…
Even though nobody likes it, bad luck exists. There is no way to get rid of it, it is just a part of life. Not everything can go the way someone wants it to. If something random happens to someone and it favours them, like winning the lottery, then that is good luck for that person. Likewise, if something random happens to someone and it is unfavourable, like a rampaging rhinoceros escaping from a nearby zoo and brutally slaughtering them and 23 other people, that would be bad luck. Just like everybody else, William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet are victims of bad luck. The Capulets and Montagues hate each other, Juliet has an arranged marriage to Paris, and there is a plague in the city of the messenger. And so it is bad luck and fate that ultimately cause the deaths of Romeo and Juliet.…
George Aberto once said "above anything else, fate is what brings lovers together." In Shakespeare's play, Romeo and Juliet, fate, chance, and coincidence are all important to the development and eventually the conclusion of this tragedy. Without these three closely related themes the play would not have been able to make it out of the first act. These themes are pivotal to the development of the play and there are many instances where this is very obvious. These themes play a part in the feud between the Capulets and the Montagues, the invitation of Romeo to the ball, and the death of the two lovers, Romeo and Juliet.…