Matilda is an intelligent young girl who lives in a lovely house in an ordinary neighbourhood but a not so nice family. First there’s her brother who is constantly calling Matilda a dip face and wasting his sweets by continuously throwing them at Matilda. Then there’s her self-obsessed mother who is always seen smothered in make-up and in a pose to try and make her look good. Finally her father, her father is a selfish low-life cheapskate. He works in a second-hand car shop and most of the cars are faulty. What Mr.Wormwood does is fixes the faults temporarily so whenever the buyer drives for 20 minutes the faults will appear again. Matilda’s parents neglect her they do not treat her well and she feels she doesn’t belong with her family.
When Matilda has the opportunity to go to school she expects lots of kids and toys and a nice colourful building.
Well at least there were lots of children. She looks around the playground looking for someone she knows then the main door opens a loud strong voice yells “SILENCE.”
Miss.Trunchbull marches out and Matilda hides in a crack in the building. Another girl the same age as Matilda says “Hey this is my spot, Matilda apologizes and the girl accepts and introduces herself.
They walk out of the crack and Miss.Trunchbull storms by them and look at a girl in their class picks her by the pigtails and throws her over the fence
When Matilda gets into class she is worried she is going to have a teacher as bad as the trunch but when she gets into class she realizes her teacher is a lovely caring woman. Her name was miss honey and she was astonished at how smart Matilda was she went to Miss.Trunchbull to see if she could move her up a class or two but obviously she said no. Matilda then become good friend and tells stories to each other and Matilda finds out that