
Father Son Relationships In Elie Wiesel's Night

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Father Son Relationships In Elie Wiesel's Night
Do you ever think of what life would have been like in a concentration camp during the Holocaust? You have already heard that it was about the Jewish race. You know that Jews weren't treated poorly. But, do you know everything? The author Elie Wiesel can tell you his story in his book, Night. There are multiple themes in the book. One is Father/ son relationships. In Night, Elie Wiesel uses irony, foreshadowing, and tone to illustrate the traumatic event known as the Holocaust. One literary device is irony. “...They said that we were sick, that we would die soon, and it would be a waste of food. … I can't go on… I gave him what was left of my soup”(Wiesel,107). This is a great example of irony because even though Elie’s dad was soon to be dead, he still kept on trying to help him alive. This is also a great example of father/son relationships because in perhaps Mr. Wiesel’s worst times, Elie still kept taking care of him. He took care of him by giving his dad his own rations. “... You’ll see, in two weeks, you’ll be walking around like everybody else…”(Wiesel,80). …show more content…
“ Fire! I see a fire! Her little boy was crying, clinging to her skirt, trying to hold her hand…”(Wiesel,25). Even though the quote has to deal with mother/son relationships, it could be described in the same category. Anyway, you can link father/son relationships with the literary device of foreshadowing. This fits with foreshadowing because Mrs. Schächter was seeing fire. It this case, fire would have been for the furnace, burning all the deceased people. “I can't go on, my son… Take me back to my bunk”(Wiesel,109). This is a great example of foreshadowing and for father/son relationships because it has to do with Elie trying to keep his father alive, even though he knows that he will not survive. In Night, Elie Wiesel uses irony, foreshadowing, and tone to illustrate the traumatic event known as the

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