
Faust By Johann Spies: A Comparison

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The first book on Faust by Johann Spies is a classic legend of good versus evil. Spies actually obtained a copy of the book, realized its worth, made some edits, and then published it as Historia von D. Johann Fausten. The original book presents two forces vying for the souls of men. It teaches the limits of interpretive authority, by admonishing that peace and salvation are only found in the teachings of the Bible, and not in the individual knowledge of good and evil. In the story, Faust’s sin of arrogance is also a warning for mankind during a budding age of science and rationalism. This arrogance sets limits for man’s knowledge and powers of self-determination. The Faust book is divided into three parts. The first part gives a background …show more content…

Faust begins in search of answers to higher questions. During his search he summons an Earth spirit that takes leave of him eventually and leaves Faust with no further insights that he desires. This encounter with the Earth spirit is not portrayed in the original text and is an adaptation by Goethe. Faust continues his quest for knowledge and understanding which eventually leads him to meet the Devil’s lieutenant Mephistopheles. This meeting with Mephisto is portrayed by both the original text and Goethe’s play, however the method of meeting Mephisto is slightly altered. In both works Faust enters in to an alliance with the Mephisto in exchange for Faust’s soul, Faust receives the “forbidden” knowledge that he seeks. An adaptation made by Goethe is the addition of Gretchen (Margaret), which turns the work into a tragedy. Gretchen denies the advances of Faust, which in turn leads him to become infatuated with Gretchen, and enlists Mephisto to help him. Meanwhile, Faust flatters Gretchen and wins her over with his charm and genuine interest. Gretchen becomes pregnant form their night together. Goethe goes on to insert a scene inspired by the original Faust legend where Mephisto takes Faust to a traditional Walpurgis-night meeting with goblins and spirits. At this meeting there is a frenzied satanic orgy taking place and Faust gets caught up in it. After Faust returns to his senses he feels overwhelmed by moral integrity and goes to rescue Gretchen from a dungeon where she has been imprisoned for killing the child she bore out of

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