Question: Study an organization/business applying Fayol’s management principles.
Organisation Selected: Nestle.
Henri Fayol’s 5 Management Functions: An Introduction.
Henri Fayol is said to be the ‘father of the school of Systematic Management’ since he is renowned for forming a theoretical foundation for a managerial educational program which resulted from his experience as a successful managing director at a mining company. At that time, there was no formal training for managers, and Fayol believed that with the increasing complexity of organizations, more professional management is needed. Fayol's legacy lies in his five Principles of Management which focused on the vital relationships between personnel and its management. The Five Functions are: 1. PLANNING
The first function of management involves drawing up plans of actions that combine unity, efficiency, continuity, flexibility and precision with respect to the firm’s resources, type and significance of work and future trends and goals which the firm envisions to achieve. Creating a plan of action is the most difficult of the five tasks and requires the active participation of the entire organization. Planning must be integrated at all levels and with different time horizons. 2. ORGANISING
The second management function revolves around the provision of capital, personnel and raw materials for everyday running of the business, and building a structure to match the tasks of the firm. The number of employees in an organization will determine the organizational structure for that firm. An increase in the number of functions expands the organization horizontally and promotes additional layers of supervision. 3. COMMANDING
The third management function involves optimizing work from all the employees for effective results benefitting the whole organization. Successful managers have personal integrity, communicate clearly and base their judgments on regular audits. Their thorough