Restaurant – Fast Food
Establishments typically characterized by counter service and drive thru operations. These establishments may or may not provide customer-seating areas. Food is typically prepared or cooked for immediate service with limited advance preparation or carryover of prepared food from one day to the next. These establishments are also referred to as quick service restaurants.
(Community centers with food catered in; concession stands; bakeries with meat products (kolaches))
Restaurant- Full Service
Establishments typically characterized by the availability of table service and a wait staff. Buffet restaurants and cafeterias that prepare a variety of potentially hazardous foods and provide customer seating may also be categorized as full service restaurants. May service alcoholic beverages.
Convenience Store
A retail business establishment with primary emphasis placed on providing the public a convenient location to quickly purchase from a wide array of consumable products (predominantly food or food and gasoline) and services.
Farmers Market
A designated location used primarily for the distribution and sale directly to consumers of food products by farmers or other producers.
Retail with Food Prep
Retail food establishment means “an establishment that sells food products directly to consumers as its primary function. A retail food establishment may manufacture/process, pack, or hold food if the establishment's primary function is to sell from that establishment food, including food that it manufactures/processes, packs, or holds, directly to consumers. A "retail food establishment" includes grocery stores, convenience stores, and vending machine locations.” [21 CFR 1.227; Title 21-Food And Drugs; Chapter I-Food And Drug Administration, Department Of Health And Human Services; Subchapter A-General; Part 1-General Enforcement Regulations; Subpart H-Registration Of Food Facilities; General Provisions].
Retail without