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atlas forge index key names terms topics aplhabeticall with page numbers plot: plan of action in a story setting: when and where a story takes place theme: messgae about life communicated in story. conflict : problem internal conflict within himself symbolism : idea that physical item stands for an idea imagery: anything that appeals to our senses gothic: germanic tribes living middle ages art and archticture during renaiassanc. gothic work based on unknown or something mysterious such as disapperance, murder, vision or dream setting of gothic work: symbolic of the decline of somethin that was good, beautifl or thriving.
Character: suffer from a sense of impending doom, suspesne for readers:villian maniaca, isnae people, vampires, protagonist is isolated, epitome of evil villians. gothic conflict bulids tension within the story
suspense techniques
Discovery - protagonist sudden reconition of his or her own identity or nature or another charcters identity or nature
Flashback - sudden switch to a past event that provides a missing piece that solves the mystery.
Foreshadwoing - charcter or plot element that is introduced early in the story; it may not be refrences until later, or it may be something missing
In medias res; tech in which the story begins int he middle rather than the begin.
Reversal - change of protagonist fate that comes about because of a twist in charcters circumstances.
Reverse chronolgy - revalation of the plot in reverse order, from end to beginning.
unreliabe narrator - revalation that the narrotor has manipulated or manufacted the story. noarrator is not sane eye leve: most common camera angle, real life bird eye: high above the action.