Fear is a feeling influenced by danger or threat that occurs in certain types of organisms, which causes a change in metabolic and organ functions and ultimately a change in behavior, such as fleeing, hiding, or freezing. Fear in human beings may occur in response to a specific encouragement occurring in the present, or in anticipation or expectation of a future threat as a risk to body or life. Now fear is an emotion that can be influenced on to someone also qualifying as a rhetorical device. All throughout history fear mongering has been utilized by many in order to maintain complete and utter control upon others, in which I considered an effective political technique. As long as people fear you, they can be effortlessly controlled and manipulated.…
The article “The Consequences of Fear” written by David Ropeik discusses the factors of everyday life that cause us to be overly fearful of a situation or not fearful enough. We as humans tend to have irrational fears, or fear of things that have a very low risk of causing us any harm. If these fears persist over long periods of time they can cause real problems to our health. According to the article, “Psychoneuroimmunological testing in laboratory animals and a range of human epidemiological findings associate stress with a weakened immune system, increased cardiovascular damage, gastrointestinal problems” etc. This brings the question “Is it important to avoid taking risks in order to protect your health?”.…
In Mike Davis’s, Ecology of Fear: Los Angeles and the Imagination of Disaster, he analyzes the patterns and trends of Southern California’s environment. Through his research, Mike Davis explains how the history of Southern California’s environment proves that California is uninhabitable. However, over the last century there have only been two earthquakes and no one hundred plus year droughts. Leading to the question, how has man made it possible to live in such an environment?…
Today against humanity is a super- rational system of economic classification and prioritization; that are the global markets and their laws. The average man is convinced that he can not deviate from this determinism nor to claim control or mitigate their will, because they are omnipotent, as measurements and statistics show and the economists agree.…
Fear is an emotional response caused by a perceived threat. Fear begins with the upsetting response. Feeling fear is human. Sue Towey writes, “Fear prepares us to react to danger.” If we could not be afraid, we wouldn't survive long. We’d be walking into oncoming traffic, stepping off of rooftops and playing with tigers.…
Sam Roberts, a correspondent for the New York Times, author of A Decade of Fear, published on March 15, 2010, addresses the topic of McCarthyism by providing his audience with the effects McCarthyism had on Americans and explanations of how it was viewed by different kinds of people. Roberts supported his article with direct quotes from influential people during that time period and facts explaining, in great detail, how McCarthyism led to the distrust between Americans.…
* Fear: an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat…
What is fear? Fear is the act of being scared of something. Usually, being afraid of fearing is just a state of mind. If your mind can tell you not to be scared then you won’t feel fearful but on the other hand if your mind tricks you into believing you should be fearful of something, you will become afraid of that person, place, thing, or object.…
The appropriate meaning of fear is continuously explored -yet a precise definition varies. Fear itself rules several aspects of our lives: as presented in William Shakespeare’s play Macbeth; fear is a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, or pain. Fear: the motivation for an individual carry out actions whether they are right or wrong. In the tragic play, Macbeth, the axis of the play was the notion of fear being set upon in the characters minds that influenced their destinies. This can be proved by the subsequent murders that followed after King Duncan's. Likewise, Lady Macbeth constantly washes her hands, sleepwalks and portrays similar abnormal behaviours like this. All this is done out of fear: and similar to her husband’s fear of being caught committing crime. Most importantly, fear is inspired by foresight. Foresight not only triggers disasters but it corrupts an individual as a whole. This influences an individual’s ability to make vital decisions. In the play, Macbeth, Shakespeare portrays the idea that under the influence of fear and foresight, individuals make irrational decisions: ultimately leading to their demises.…
Fear is a natural response that humans, and in fact most animals, have. Its purpose is to activate our ‘fight or flight’ response system in case of danger.…
Fear: the mere sight of the word makes some of us cringe. It is a feeling we have all dealt with at one time or another. Fear is the quintessential human emotion. Some people live lives devoid of joy, happiness, and pleasure, but no one escapes the experience of fear and fear’s companion, pain. We are born in fear and pain. Our lives are profoundly shaped by them, as well as our efforts to avoid them.” It is something that we first experience as children, and are conditioned to respond to in many different ways. Some of us live in constant fear; of accidents, of bad people doing us harm, or of physical ailments. Others simply take things as they come in life, whether they are good or bad things. In the dictionary, fear is defined as: "a feeling of agitation or anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger. That is a rather ominous definition. Fear can also refer to general anxiety, as in "fear of speaking in public or "fear of open areas . These fears arise not necessarily from a present or imminent threat, but rather a perceived threat, which to some can be just as scary. For most people fear is an unpleasant feeling and it is…
Fear is not only a major part of our emotions but it is a key element of life in general. Although it is true that with knowledge comes a certain degree of fear, crediting fear to be a motivational force is quite untrue in most cases. Terrifying someone may seem to work to a bystander, but changing human nature is a slow and grueling process.…
In my Opinion fear can be taken two ways it can be a good thing or bad thing. Fear is a emotional response induced by threat fear can lead us to hide or run away or freeze in our shoes.…
What is fear? Everyone has experienced some level fear before, may it be when they realized they have done something wrong, when they kept seeing that one creepy guy down the street just standing outside their door, while sitting at home at twelve o’clock in the morning watching a horror film, or encountering their one or many phobias. When fear hits, the body will start to feel as if it is frozen, breathing becomes difficult, the heart races and batters to the point where it feels like it will burst from their chest. So, just what in the world does the word fear truly mean? Well based on my own experiences with fear, I believe that it is the feeling of extreme anxiety or horror towards an object, a person, a place, an event in time, or a scene played before someone’s eyes; which in turn causes the rate of one’s heart to race, and breathing to accelerate.…
Fear is a feeling we have all experienced one time as a child or adult. We respond to this emotion differently depending on the situation we are in. Fear is something we can’t control it’s something we do automatically when we feel like we are in danger. We can relate this towards animals due to the fact of their reaction when they feel threatened by something or someone.…