Abnormality is deviating from what is considered the normal or usual behaviour as a society, normal is a statistical standard defined by what society are managing and what society considers socially acceptable or deviant or what the standard of adequate functioning meaning are they capable to cope with everyday life? There is a concept of ideal mental health this is a state of contentment we all strive to achieve. Abnormal behaviour can be understood by the biological and psychological models of abnormality these consider explanations to why people suffer with mental illness; mental illness is defined by a condition which causes serious disorder in a person’s behaviour or thinking, the…
Once upon a there was a man who hated clowns. That man was me. They were the vilest creatures on earth. My fight with them began at the circus when I was just a little boy. I was eight and it was during the summer of 3015.…
Melissa Chan debriefs the clown epidemic in the article, “Everything You Need to Know About the ‘Clown Attack’ Craze”. She goes on explaining many different perspectives, such as the terrified citizens of America, the real professional clowns, and the police force.…
Fear is the source of ideas that scares people the most. They took advantage of that in this film by making the Antagonist fear itself. At this point you might be thinking, “ Isn't the antagonist the creepy looking clown that can take shape of things people fear the most?” Believe it or not, the clown is just a representation of fear itself. It is just using the clown as one of many states it can take, such as one of the protagonist's brother, and a father. As a result, Coulrophobia is a really prominent symbol in this film. Coulrophobia is the fear of clowns, and a high percentage of people have it. To further support this claim, take a look at this article by Chapman University discussing fears of the average US citizen, Clowns are one of the top three fears in the US, alongside tight spaces and public speaking.…
What is it that has driven members of the community to dress up as clowns and scare those around them? These behaviors can be linked…
Have you ever been on top of a large building and were too afraid to look over the side? Have you ever climbed a really tall tree and were too afraid to climb down? I have, when I was younger I climbed a really tall tree and when I got to the top I looked down, I was too afraid to climb back down. What I was experiencing was a fear of heights know as acrophobia. Acrophobia (n.d.) according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is an abnormal dread of being in a high place: fear of heights. I believe that most people become a little scared when it comes to heights. There is nothing wrong with having acrophobia to an extent. It is a defense mechanism our bodies use to stop us from walking off cliffs. The problem is when a natural instinct becomes paranoia. For example, someone who has acrophobia would be scared, nervous, and or panic inside a safe environment like a skyscraper.…
Athazagoraphobia is a specific phobia that causes a person to have the fear of being forgotten, ignored and or forgetting. It is often caused by traumatic events that happened in their past. A person with this disorder will exhibit physical, psychological and behavioral symptoms. Physical symptoms of this phobia are panic attacks, irregular heartbeat, sweating, dry mouth, nausea, shaking and a hard time speaking complete sentences. People with this phobia tend to have depression, anger, with low self-esteem and self-confidence. They are, by nature, introverts but also can try to do everything possible to ensure they are not forgotten depending on which part they have. People with this phobia can become depressed or angry due to over thinking.…
Phobic disorders are classified as one of the most common of all anxiety disorders; they are a persistent and unreasonable fear of a particular object, activity, or situation. Many people who suffer from this disorder know that the fears they have, are excessive and unreasonable and, the feared object can usually determine how much it affects a persons functioning. Although, anyone can develop a phobic disorder, it is found more commonly in women than in men. Phobic disorders are broken up into three categories; simple phobias, social phobias, and agoraphobia.…
In the book Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman, Richard Mayhew is trapped in a placed called London Below and his fear throughout the story is that he might not return to his home in London Above. In the story, the marquis de Carabas tells Richards that London Below is inhabited by people who fell through the cracks in the world and Richard’s anxiety is that he will become one of those people and remain in London Below for the rest of his life. At first, Richard was asking many questions about London Below and really didn’t understand what was happening because he saw and experienced many unusual things that he would not of seen in London Above. As the story continued, Richard slowly stopped asking questions and at some point in the book, he almost gave up the fact that he might actually return to his normal life in London Above. The element that made him continue and not give up his journey was fear. The fact on how Richard was perturbed on many dangerous incongruities in London Below, made him continue his journey until he returned home. In this case, fear can be related to hope in the way where they both made Richard regain the expectation and desire for him to return to his normal life, which he seemed to have lost during the middle of the book. Richard overcame his fear when he successfully returns to London Above, but his journey made him act very eccentric and his colleagues began to think he is crazy. When he returned to London Above, Richard had no longer the fear of being trapped in London Below, but since he was there for a long time, he began to feel out of place in London Above and he returned at the end of the book to London Below with the marquis de Carabas.…
A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder defined by a persistent fear of a situation, object, feeling or animal. The phobia results in the onset of fear and is long term. The person with the phobia will try to avoid the situation or object at all costs. If these cannot be avoided this would cause significant distress. On some occasions with particular phobias to blood or injury this could cause fainting.…
A specific phobia is an irrational fear of a usually harmless object, place or situation. This fear leads people to dread confronting everyday situations, or avoid them altogether. ‘The most common specific phobias are agoraphobia, the fear of crowded places and arachnophobia, the fear of spiders’ (Davenport, 1992, pg. 239).…
gothic work based on unknown or something mysterious such as disapperance, murder, vision or dream…
This column is entitled “The psychology behind why clowns creep us out” and was written by Frank T. McAndrew of The Conversation. This article talks about the recent sightings of scary clowns in different states as well as the logic supporting why most children and adults are afraid of clowns. There is just something about a person dressed in oversized clothing, painted face and a colored wig that creeps out people. Just recently there has been reports that these clowns have “tried to lure women and children into the woods, chase people with knives and machetes and yelled at people from cars” (McAndrew, 2016). The scariest reports claim clowns have been spooking people in the middle of the night by appearing on the side of an unlit street.…
Hysteria Sweeping the Nation Have you ever been so afraid and paranoid that you jump to conclusions and never feel safe? This is the reality of today’s generation with the clown scare and was the reality of the puritans with the witchcraft. In olden times, many people became paranoid and concerned with the idea of witchcraft, so they accused the innocent if there happened to be any superstition or signs of them practicing witchcraft. Today many people are being terrorized by people dressed as clowns.…
Fear is a powerful and psychological entity. Fear can make us rise to an occasion or crumble under its mighty psychosis. Fear can arise anywhere. It can come from the known and unknown. Fear can show the strong they are weak and it can show the weak they are strong. A person can learn from fear, as I have learned from being afraid. The first day attending a new school is scary to most young children. They know no one and usually don’t have any friends. Time will usually ease the child’s fear of a new school. Yes it is true. Fear is educational. My journey with fear will travel to another state and three different colleges.…