Bank of the Philippine Islands Fundamental Company Report provides a complete overview of the company’s affairs. All available data is presented in a comprehensive and easily accessed format. The report includes financial and SWOT information, industry analysis, opinions, estimates, plus annual and quarterly forecasts made by stock market experts. The report also enables direct comparison to be made between Bank of the Philippine Islands and its competitors. This provides our Clients with a clear understanding of Bank of the Philippine Islands position in the Banks and Thrifts Industry.
The report contains detailed information about Bank of the Philippine Islands that gives an unrivalled in-depth knowledge about internal business-environment of the company: data about the owners, senior executives, locations, subsidiaries, markets, products, and company history.
Another part of the report is a SWOT-analysis carried out for Bank of the Philippine Islands. It involves specifying the objective of the company's business and identifies the different factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving that objective. SWOT-analysis helps to understand company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and possible threats against it.
The Bank of the Philippine Islands financial analysis covers the income statement and ratio trend-charts with balance sheets and cash flows presented on an annual and quarterly basis. The report outlines the main financial ratios pertaining to profitability, margin analysis, asset turnover, credit ratios, and company’s long-term solvency. This sort of company's information will assist and strengthen your company’s decision-making processes.
In the part that describes Bank of the Philippine Islands competitors and the industry in whole, the information about company's financial ratios is compared to those of its competitors and to the industry. The unique analysis of the market and company’s competitors