Company: Innoland Development Co.
Year Graduated: 1989
CPA License No.: 82640
Ms. Florraine is a graduate of Silliman University as a management student and a USJR graduate of accounting. Her career started as an auditor in SGV & Co. For a year, she was focused on examining books of accounts of the company and checking transactions. As an auditor, she ????
A year after, due to her desire to pursue law school, she applied as an accountant in a company called Genu Philippines Inc. plainly because the office was near the place where she studies law. Like all accountants, she was ???? Eventually, she quit law school and was promoted as an accounting manager. For 18 years, she had invested most of her time in keeping track of ???? However, on the year 2009, on the verge of the world crisis, the company shut down.
On March 2010, she started her own business in line with computer sales and services where she did both the bookkeeping works and accounting. At the same time, she was also an accounting service provider and consultant to certain clients. She offered audit and bookkeeping, tax consultancy, payroll services, processing of government licenses and the like. A year after, the business shut down as she continued being an accounting service provider and consultant.
On November 2011, she was hired as an accounting manager of the Innoland Development Corporation wherein she oversees or heads the accounting department of the Inno Group of Companies. Upto present, Ms. Florraine has “?????
In our interview, we asked her, “What is it, really, that you do as an accountant?” It took her quite a few ‘uhmms’ and ‘uhhs’ to reply. But it was simple what she said. “Accounting is an art. Whatever an artist does to complete his work is alike what an accountant does. All in all, as an accounting manager, you have to present accurate financial reports that will be made available for use of the management. Believe me when I tell you,” she