In the film ‘Beneath Clouds’, Ivan Sen exposes the troublesome lives of two young indigenous adolescents in a small rural community of northern New South Wales. Throughout the film Lena (Diannelle Hall) and Vaughn (Damian Pitt) travel on a journey not only to escape their alcohol and abusive pasts but also on a spiritual journey to find where they truly belong in this world. This sounds good but you should make your reading more clear so that it underpins the whole article
Lena feels the need to escape the alcohol fuelled life to learn of the father she never knew who left at such a young age. Vaughn on the other hand a small time criminal in a low security prison escapes to reconnect with his dying mother. They find each other on their separate journeys but soon realise they are not too different from each other and become closer to each other. Their journey starts in the northern-western outback of New South Wales and slowly progresses towards the desirable inner-cities near Sydney. The film portrays many different indigenous stereotypes as it causes more and more conflict for the journey to find their new identity.
Sen focus’ more on creating an atmosphere rather than a strong storyline of the stereotypical indigenous community. Unfortunately the film lacks sentimentality which allows the more hard hitting imagery and mild coarse language which can then create a more realistic representation of the struggles people have to go through during their life. The film can be classified as a ‘road movie’ where the two characters embark on a journey to alter the perspective of their everyday life. Towards the start when Lena and Vaughn first meet they are really cautious around each other but as it progresses they become more aware of each other’s personal life.
The film presents the two teenagers with two very diverse backgrounds which are involved in today’s society for all young indigenous Australians. Statistically, Indigenous