Lake Worth Community High School
Gr. 11
Vision is commonplace; an aspect of our daily lives we take little time to ponder over the marvels of. In truth, sight is a complex cooperation of both the eye and the brain that allows us to envision what we do currently.
Scene Retinal Processing Feature Detection Parallel Processing Recognition
Reflected light from a stimuli goes into the eye and the lens focuses the image in an inverted form on the retina (accommodation). This light energy triggers chemical changed in the rods and cones (activate other cells & recognitions: encode information) activating bipolar cells, Acknowledgment goes out to Aristotle for who then activate the ganglion cells. The ax- one of the first recorded theories regarding ons of the ganglion cells mesh to form the the eye. optic nerve that carries info. to the brain. Descartes who proved the lens adjusts the image of the retina. Young and Helmholtz for the trichromatic theory. We have no one theory regarding color vision. And instead, we have a combination of two which help explain the others’ weaknesses'. So a theory that works for both scenarios would be in order.
HISTORY: …show more content…
1st recorded theory on eyesight was from Aristotle who believed the object being looked at changed the space between the eye and object causing it to be seen.
Kepler came up with the idea that the lens focused the image onto the retina which Renee Descartes proved decades afterward. Max Schultz discovered cones were the color receptors and rods were sensitive to dim light. Thomas Young and Hermann von Helmholtz created the Young-Helmholtz trichromatic (three-color theory) in which the retina has three color receptors (red, green and blue). When these cones are stimulated in combination, we get the other
Articles vision_background.php (Diane M. Szaflarski, Ph.D.) Books
Renee Descartes removed eye from an ox and scraped the back of it making it transparent. He then placed it facing a window and was able to see the image outside of the window inverted, proving that the lens adjusts what you see in the retina.
The information from both the retinas end up being processed in opposite directions in the brain due to half of the optic nerves crossing at the optic chiasm. This allows each of the hemispheres of the occipital lobe to receive input from both retinas and process them. The brain uses parallel processing by dividing a visual scene into sub-dimensions that it works on simultaneously.
Myers’ Psychology for AP David G. Myers Unit 4 Sensation and Perception (pgs. 124-132) Websites notes/lecture3/ the_eye/11494.html -control-sight/