In 1998, FedEx acquired Caliber and its subsidiaries. The acquisition gave FedEx a sure advantage that it is now capable to providing more transportation services to other segments upstream in the supply chain. Along with internet and e-business, FedEx seize the opportunity to collaborate with customers in providing full supply chain management system.
However, in the midst of acquisition and maintaining competitive advantage on technologies, FedEx’s profits have not been as per expectation. To maintain its competitive advantages, FedEx also sees its cost soaring upwards. Fierce competition continues to plague FedEx. Thus, in handling these challenges, FedEx had in 2000 re-organised and consolidate its subsidiaries under one single global brand name FedEx.
FedEx has to re-look into its acquisition and business integration strategies. Technologies pioneered by FedEx which gave them advantages quickly erode away. FedEx has to continue and beef up its effort in the technological pursuit as to maintain its competitive advantage in this area. The internet offer much opportunities in e-business, improvement in service and innovation that better serve customers, from individual to businesses and all along the supply chain. FedEx has to capitalise on these opportunities. FedEx global branding has been its strength and customer relationship has to be improved with new customer centred