Here, two main approaches to how they respond to other businesses needs are introduced. First of all, companies need to be aware enough to understand their customer’s requests and attract them at the right time with the right approach (Bidgoli, 2010). FedEx logistics allow a consignment to be delivered by 10:30a.m the next day, attracting customers in terms of efficiency and effectiveness (Birla, 2012). Since they initially target small businesses and the images of their service are enhanced by the way they are representing their brand, it appears to have a high value between the small business’s needs – the quick delivery of a product and the opportunity to pass this perceived benefit on to the end user (the general public). FedEx also uses other methods such as the sponsorship of larger public events (i.e. The Olympic Games, National Football League) to increase both their public and business profiles. The campaigns used here employed various media formats such as TV broadcasts, the national presses, and online media as a way to make other potential customers aware of their business-related services (Kotler and Pfoertsch, 2001).
Secondly, it is a crucial factor to consider how important the mobile/wireless communication sector will become when marketers decide to use mobile devices such as sending texts as valuable messages (Bidgoli, 2010). FedEx, for example, provide online tracking which allows the recipients to know exactly when their goods will arrive. Often this information is passed on to the end consumers. (Gupta and Tyagi, 2008) The key to being a