The USPS is at a point where it does not have the financing available to maintain its operations. One reason for the annual net losses is due to the declining rate of first-class mail. The second reason has to do with the required prepayment of $5.5 billion per year toward retirees’ healthcare costs. In order for the USPS to overcome this deficit, they will need to consider their short time frame, government restrictions and labor union backfire in considering the best alternative. One alternative would be to privatize postal services operations which would allow the USPS to change its pricing structure, yet it would potentially significantly reduce market share. A second alternative would be to undergo a system-wide reorganization that would include reducing the number of working days from 6 to 5, reducing staffing by 25% through attractive retirement packages and putting a freeze on new hires and salary increases. While this alternative may have great short-term effects, the reorganization lacks long-term potential and may put the relationship with the labor unions at risk. The third alternative considered involved the expansion of online services. While other countries have experienced success in offering more electronic services, this alternative lacks the level of savings potential of the other two alternatives. After analyzing these three alternatives, it is recommended that the USPS move forward with the reorganization of its operations. This option can be implemented the fastest and has a large savings potential. Additionally, it is recommended that the USPS start to look for new ways to expand its services online, however, the main priority should be to trim its expenses. If the USPS is not successful with the recommended action plan, the USPS should start taking action to privatize its operations. While this contingency plan could take years before the actual plan can be put into motion, the savings potential will be quite large for the…
I was put in charge of organizing a corporate event for the Phoenix Emergency Dental Pros. I took this as a huge show of trust in my abilities by the management of above and beyond LI. I set up a team to ensure that every end of this event was properly covered. Our excellence shone through like a million stars as planning was put in top gear. We knew that it was going to be a program that would showcase our expertise to every emergency dentist that would be attending.…
First, we want to appreciate your support and the opportunities that you and your company has provided to us in many ways over the years. This year, we want to expand the conference to include robotics and a section in medical technology.…
Tom hanks was able to do a very good job acting as Chuck. He was able to show us viewers how the was really feeling even though he didn't really talk much during the movie. That is something that a good actor is able to do. At the end of the movie was kind of a shame, but still good. It wasn’t very good I thought because I thought him and Kelly should have gotten back together.…
* The other members of the team: Peggy Hardy, Marie Phillips, Jody Rogers, local LFA union presidents…
What a great spirit of community shared by all involved today. Volunteers in today’s event are sure to have stories to tell in years to come. Among those…
Whether it be reaching out to admitted students to answer any questions they have, to working for the MSP program alongside Dean Bravo-Weber. I have also served many leadership positions throughout the years from being a 1L rep for organizations to then being the president of APALSA, Stop VAW and secretary for PILF. Throughout my many positions or just by being a friendly and reliable face offering up my help, I was able to help plan and execute many events held at the school, such as the Buddy Mixer, Casino Night, Fiesta, MELA, Adopt-A-Family, PILF Auction, MSP banquet, Barristers, and Take Back the Night just to name a…
I feel privileged to participa~e in this program honoring Whitney North Seymour. While this is only the…
FedEx main headquarters is in Memphis, Tennessee and the company has also another four headquarters which are located in Ontario, Canada; Guangzhou, China; Miami,…
(Event) We are ready for the BRC show, and we are excited for the IAOM show tomorrow as well! Please come visit us at 213/312 booth at Greater Columbus Convention Center.…
FedEx was incorporated in June 1971 and officially began operations on April 17, 1973. Conceived by Chairmen and Chief Executive Officer Fredrick W. Smith, a man that would soon expand the small 14 aircraft fleet he started with into a $29 billion network of companies with 652 aircraft, 69,000 vans and trucks, and over 250,000 employees. FedEx did not become the largest shipping company by chance, they did it by focusing on their customers needs and making quality in their services a top priority.…
A stakeholder is any person who has an interest in a business. A stakeholder usually is an individual, a group or an organization. These people usually have an interest in a business because they are an owner, manager, worker or customer. These people have interest in the business because for most of them their profit or salary is in the business, however a customer may have interest in a business because they want the business to continue to produce products.…
Your involvement will make our convention event an extra special event. We appreciate your consideration and look forward to hearing from you soon.…
Christine Kairuz led the invocation, while association president Avelyn Gimenez-Jahns welcomed everyone – remembering to pay tribute to the inflight crew members of various airlines affected in the September 11 tragedy and the unspeakable aftermath on the economies of the different countries around the world.…
We worked hard to get to this point, but we didn't do it by ourselves. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to the following people.…