Federal Express Corporation (FedEx) started its operation in March 1973 building a express delivery company to global logistics and supply chain management company. With logistics as a key part of forming a strong strategy formulation FedEx provided their customers differentiating means thus winning a healthy customer loyalty with enormous.
The growth of the express transportation and logistic industry was brought about by three main trends
The globalization of businesses.
Technological advancements and applications innovations.
The changing market demand for more value added service..
Application of new technology to generate process efficiencies, and changing market demand for more value- added services.
Operational efficiencies, reduce costs, and improve customer services is a key point of expansion of express transport industry.
Operate start on Just- in -Time Inventory systems in industries.
FedEx was able to capitalize on all six trends giving maximum priority in technological investment, which ensured a better future for the company to serve its customers
Fedex at a glance:
FedEx is pioneering of the express transportation and logistics industry. By it's excellent operation and service 1973,had won over 194 awards, which is till largest in the express industry life cycle.
"If we're all operating in a day to-day environment, we're thinking one to two tears out. Fred's thinking five, ten, fifteen years out."
Fred Smith, chairman, president and chief executive officer of FedEx Corporation, invented the express distribution in March 1973. FedEx shortened lead times for companies, provided a logistic management service which concerned not only on handling, warehousing and transportation but also inbound and outbound flow of materials within the company as well as the movement of finished goods from dock to dock.
Simultaneously by applying IT to the