MBA Programme
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Executive Summary
The 360-degree feedback has become pervasive in management and human resource development practice since the last years. There are many diverse claims regarding the benefits and impact of 360-degree. This assignment presents mainly the historical growth, the difference to traditional feedback and the use nowadays.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary 2
Table of Contents 2
List of Abbreviations 2
List of Figures 2 Introduction 3 The History of Feedback 360 degree 3 360-degree Feedback Definition 4 360-degree Feedback vs. Traditional Feedback 4 Customers / suppliers feedback 6 Improved work performance through the implementation of 360-degree feedback 7 Subordinates / supervisors feedback with the focus on leaders 7 Practice Example by EADS 10
Bibliography 12 Links 12
List of Abbreviations
|e.g. |For example |
|EADS |European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company |
List of Figures
Figure 1 360-degree Feedback overview 5
Figure 2 Six Sigma 6
Figure 3 Leadership Vision 2020 EADS 10
This assignment will explain the 360-degree feedback as a management tool and performance appraisal method that gives employees the opportunity to receive feedback from multiple sources. It is anonymous and called 360-degree feedback because comments are given by subordinates, supervisors, customers, suppliers and self-evaluations. “The feedback is only as valuable as the employee decides to make it. The feedback should highlight both strengths and weaknesses of the employee and give insight to aid the professional development.” (e.g.
Bibliography: |W.Warner Burke (2002 London) Organization Change Theory and Practice p.29 | |Tornow, W., London, M |Anntoinette D.Lucia, Richard Lepsinger (2009 San Francisco) The Art and Science of 360-degree feedback Secound edition p.54 | |Harvard Management Update, Vol |Carruthers, F. (2003 Australien). Nothing but the truth. Australian Financial Review, p. 78 | Links