I’m Just One Person, What Could I Do?
Feeding the Hungry in America
Eric C. Johnson
Grand Canyon University
ENG 106 – Composition
October 17, 2010
“I can’t help things get better, I’m only one person what difference would I make, really?” I’ve been guilty of thinking this way myself at one time and point in my life. I’ve learned though that by getting involved, making inquiries, taking action myself that I can contribute to helping resolve a growing problem in our communities, throughout our entire Country, feeding the hungry families in America. To look at this problem in its entirety, it may appear to be an insurmountable one that we couldn’t possibly do anything about ourselves. We are making a difference though, one family at a time through emergency food pantries and kitchens that are scattered throughout our great Country. Since the recession, unemployment has been excessively high, more families than ever have been finding it necessary visit their local food pantries, or food kitchens in their communities. We may read in our local papers that the unemployment rate has been decreasing; the growing number of people (families) taking advantage of local food pantries though is still on the rise. I am aware of this all too well; I’m a Supervisor for the warehouse in my community’s local food pantry. According to an article written by the Economic Research Service (ERS), “In 2007 TEFAP (The Emergency Food Assistance Program) supplied 340 million pounds of commodities to community emergency food provider.” TEFAP is a federally funded program that has been assisting with feeding the hungry families in our Country for many years now. The difference between food pantries and emergency food kitchens is simple. Food pantries supply food for families that is unprepared and collected for distribution to individuals and families to prepare at other off site locations. An emergency food kitchen prepares and serves
References: Feeding America. (2010). Hunger and Poverty Statistics. Retrieved October 16, 2010. www.feedingamerica.org Economic Research Service/USDA. (2007). Household Food Security in the United States. Retrieved October 16, 2010. www.ers.usda.gov Wafer Needs Donations. (10/16/2010). Retrieved October 16, 2010. www.wxow.com